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About the author


I am a recovering perfectionist. Probably always will be – the quest for beauty and excellence is in my makeup. (Specifically, my character makeup… although I’m working on a reliable liquid eyeliner technique too.)


I am also a recovering people pleaser. I have years of experience following safe and well-trodden tracks in search of fulfilment. But underneath, a niggling feeling that I couldn't ever be content without the blissful joy of noticing new and different trails just off the beaten path.


I am naturally drawn to push back ferns and peer behind tree trunks, to gasp with wonder at the unexpected, glorious treasures I find. And of course, to share that joy with you!!

This is my first blog. It is an exercise in rediscovery;  a blank canvas for me to paint my bolder colours, energy, wild joy and glittering imperfections, in whatever form they take!




If in these lil snippets you find words or images that resonate with your heart too - let me know!! I can't wait to hear your thoughts :)


With thanks

Thank you to the authors who inspire me

Through their truth- and beauty-seeking

Through their surprising and frank quips

You paint the world differently

And remind me;

Even on my own, I am never alone!


Thank you to the people in my life

Who share their love, compassion, beauty and wit

Who embrace the real me, even when I don't!

You are all jewels

Shining, gifted, sewn lovingly into the fabric of my time here.





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